Saturday, February 14, 2009

What can I say?

So what does one write? I have tried for some time now to come up with a Meaningful or at least funny "first post," but nothing really fits. Probably because I don't really know what this blog is going to be about. I have been thinking of it as a way to organize some of my thoughts and share them--and just what is going on in my life--with family and friend, who are far away. But maybe it is just for me. I am curious to see how it will (or won't) all fit together. In any case, it will give me a place to post pictures of my chickens.


  1. i love chickens! we have about 3 chickens who's breeds have remained mysteries for us. they are similar to cochins but may be different.we are thinking of joining 4-h next year and entering a few of our hens. how many chickens do you guys have?

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