Wednesday, February 18, 2009

That Time of Year

I have fallen behind on my filing. Actually, I'm always behind on my filing. Every year I do this to myself. Then every year I spend a long time sorting everything in a mad rush to get the taxes done. Corporate taxes are due March 15, and my poor long-suffering accountant has to have a little bit of time. I make a firm resolution to keep up with it. Sometimes, for several weeks, I kind of do.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Erika! Thanks for commenting on the Lent post!
    I am sorry that Sister kind of freaked your son out :)
    It makes a good story, though.

    I like your blog and the fact that you will now have a place to post pictures of your chickens, or not, as the case may be :)

    By the way, not to be obnoxious, but you might like my post on keeping your bills filed. It's low-maintenance, anyway...
