Wednesday, February 18, 2009

That Time of Year

I have fallen behind on my filing. Actually, I'm always behind on my filing. Every year I do this to myself. Then every year I spend a long time sorting everything in a mad rush to get the taxes done. Corporate taxes are due March 15, and my poor long-suffering accountant has to have a little bit of time. I make a firm resolution to keep up with it. Sometimes, for several weeks, I kind of do.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

This is not a Chicken.

No, this isn't a chicken. It is a pheasant. We think.

When we hatched our eggs last spring we had Guinea eggs and Silkie chicken eggs. The Guineas take a week longer than the Silkies to hatch, but we had them all in the incubator at the same time. You could see which was which because the Guinea eggs are smaller than chicken eggs, and a darker tan color. So the day came for the chickens to hatch. One chicken pecked a tiny little hole in its shell and then waited. We could see its little beak poking out, but that was as far as it went. I kept vigil by the incubator for a very long time and still, no action. Finally I decided it was safe to leave for a little while, since it was dinner time and all. After dinner Mike went to check and reported that we'd had a hatch! I ran to the incubator (this was the most excitement I'd had in some time) and expected to see the already-peeped egg hatched. Nope. In fact, all the Silkie eggs looked rather intact, aside from that one little beak.

Then, way down in the corner, I saw it.

One of the Guinea eggs had hatched! A week early? That didn't make sense. "It must be a chicken," I thought. Once the little chick was all dry and fluffy I took it out and gave it a good look. This being my first experience with poultry (that didn't involve a kitchen utensil of any kind) I had no clue. But I could see that this little birdie's feet were not what the Silkie feet were supposed to look like. We just had to wait and see what it grew into.

It grew, but we still haven't figured out quite what it is--have never found a picture that matches so that we'd know for sure. And we'd like to know, so we could get more...because this is our favorite one. We named it Kramer.

What can I say?

So what does one write? I have tried for some time now to come up with a Meaningful or at least funny "first post," but nothing really fits. Probably because I don't really know what this blog is going to be about. I have been thinking of it as a way to organize some of my thoughts and share them--and just what is going on in my life--with family and friend, who are far away. But maybe it is just for me. I am curious to see how it will (or won't) all fit together. In any case, it will give me a place to post pictures of my chickens.